Year: 1961
Summary: Lectures given by the Bureau in Ontario, which focus on: voter turnout, work done on available pension options, and cooperation with U of T.
Year: 1976
Summary: Analysis of survey by the Bureau in 4 Ontario municipalities, in order to assess the reasons for low voter turnout in municipal elections, and ways to increase voter turnout in the future.
Year: 1978
Summary: Outlines the major issues faced by municipal representatives in Metropolitan Toronto, London, Hamilton, Ottawa, Windsor, and Sudbury in the 1978 Municipal Elections.
Year: 1974
Summary: Discusses challenges of Metro budgeting and recommendations for change.
Year: 1972
Summary: Draws attention to major election issues in 1972.
Year: 1960
Summary: Bureau's recommendation to incorporate TTC in government; municipalities decision against code of ethics for municipal representatives; roads construction.
Summary: The bureau is sceptical about the possibility of making planning progress with the new Metroplan project. This project requires civic engagement in many different areas in the city without enough centralized and professional planning capacity - while endorsing unclear consultation models.
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1974.
Summary: The roles, authority and limitations on municipal auditors in Ontario, including jurisdictional scan and political challenges.
Summary: Suggests that discrepancies between compensation schemes in Federal and Provincial legislation challenge the development plan to build an airport or new community project in North Pickering.
Summary: Describes city council structure, current and planned election methods, and recommendations for how to best keep councils representative of citizens.
Summary: Criticism of the debt and borrowing policy of Toronto's Metropolitan Federation.
Year: 1933
Summary: Objection to the planned construction of Mt. Pleasant Bridge due to the municipality's deficit, claiming that such decisions should be part of a comprehensive plan and not made individually.
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1976.
Year: 1947
Summary: Encouraging citizens to vote, and warning against citizen apathy.
Year: 1971
Summary: Toronto City Council asked the Province to be able to participate in a more equitable pension plan, such as the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS).
Summary: Analysis of how provincial budget cuts affected social services in Ontario municipalities and the lack of sufficient information to account for spending on these issues.
Summary: Analysis of current and planned residential bonus system and endorsement of the need for a more flexible system in future.
Year: 1968
Summary: Analysis of requests and approvals of conference attendance for city council members in light of public criticism of attending these conferences at the city's expense.
Year: 1948
Summary: Considers the role of the Board of Assessors responsible for re-examining tax properties in the city.
Year: 1946
Summary: Argues that coordination is needed between the different councils, either by amalgamation or by creating a County Council.
Year: 1962
Summary: News Brief about improving efficiency by merging departments dealing with property development, buildings and properties etc.
Year: 1973
Summary: The education system is trying to address too many problems at once and therefore is not accomplishing any of the hoped for changes.
Summary: Issues for upcoming elections, including: length of term, building Regent Park, building a Civic Square, and dining and liquor licencing.
Year: 1964
Summary: Scan of major elections issues
Summary: Argues that transportation planning must take into account social needs - such as accessibility to the elderly - and not only traffic volume.
Year: 1932
Summary: Consideration of constitutional changes regarding number of aldermen and election date.
Summary: New structure of provincial transfers to municipalities are vague and have contradictory goals.
Year: 1931
Summary: The problems of the modern city are more complex than those of a hundred years ago. City leadership must focus on continuous civic planning, and avoid short-sightedness.
Summary: Suggests the ability of citizens to influence government at the local level. Emphasizes the importance of active local representative instiutions.