Year: 1956
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1956. Topics of importance include emergency housing, the city budget, and taxation. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1978
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include the teaching of local government in schools, community impacts of school closings, rent review, metropolitan government, the island airport, libraries, and changing the planning act.
Year: 1939
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1939. Topics of importance include administration, the ward system, debt, planning and zoning, and taxation. Bureau expenditures and subscribers listed at the end.
Year: 1976
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include low voter turnout, policing, the media, housing
Year: 1916
Summary: A summary of work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1916. Work included analysis of the city budget, establishing a bureau reference library, surveying street cleaning and garbage disposal, inquiries into school admission, and a study on the living wage. Civic government and community achievements noted. Future goals are outlined. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at end.
Year: 1919
Summary: A summary of work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1919. Work included research on the Ward, an assessment study, working closely with the press and city government and giving lectures at the University of Toronto. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at end.
Summary: Letter sent to Bureau members listing recent research topics. Sample topics include rent control, downtown revitalization, transportation coordination, the teaching of local government in schools, and financial problems of local governments
Year: 1981
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies and details on the upcoming BMR luncheon. Sample topics include school closures, transit, and contracting out municipal services. Comparative data on municipal wage increases for metro Toronto workers and workers in other Ontario cities is provided.
Year: 1928
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1928. Work included analysis of the city budget, and studies of civic finances, policing, motor accidents, town planning, taxation, and the board of education. Bureau publications are listed. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1949
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1949. Topics of importance include The Baldwin Act (municipal autonomy) and provincial-municipal relations. Bureau expenditures and subscribers listed at the end.
Year: 1983
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies. Topics include: industrial development, changes in property taxes in Canada, urban growth, rising school costs, and prostitution. Includes Bureau board changes, details of the BMR luncheon, at which Bob Rae spoke on economic development.
Year: 1980
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include transit problems, cost saving in local governments, who should pay for municipal services, and productivity vs. quality of life
Year: 1948
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1948. Topics of importance include the Civic Advisory Council, co-ordination of personal and civic services, health and safety, and civic planning. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1982. Documents highlights of the past year and significant research projects. Bureau expenditures, publications, and contributors at the end.
Year: 1982
Summary: Publications catalogue, 1982. Sample publications topics: economy, education, environment, finances, government, housing, productivity, planning, public safety, regional government, transportation
Year: 1952
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1952. Topics of importance include taxation and the need for improved municipal revenue sources. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1959
Summary: Update on annual meeting, research done and cited, staff meetings and bureau membership
Year: 1922
Summary: A summary of work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1922. Work included surveys of nursing, schools, churches, child care, and welfare. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at end.
Year: 1962
Summary: Presents work on a seminar with U of T to discuss municipal government and its relationship to the community life of Metropolitan Toronto.
Year: 1936
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1936. The chief concern of the Bureau is the balancing of the civic budget. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1958
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1958. The chief concern of the Bureau is municipal revenue raising (different methods of taxation etc.) Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1923
Summary: A summary of work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1923. Work included a survey on the Department of Public Health, keeping up to date on provincial legislation, and a special study on Union Station. Bureau contributions to city governance are detailed. Future goals are outlined. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at end.
Year: 1915
Summary: A summary of the work done and of progress made on the Bureau of Municipal Research's program for the year ending 1915. Sample work and goals included: establishing a scientific form of budget with city officials, installation of modern accounting practices, assisting in the reorganization of the fire department, and producing studies of citizen interest. Yearly expenditures and bureau subscribers are included at the end.
Year: 1950
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1950. Topics of importance include the city tax rate, budget, suburban municipalities, and the Board of Control. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1951
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1951. Topics of importance include city finances and assessment legislation. Bureau expenditures, subscribers, and City of Toronto organizational charts.
Year: 1977
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include the island airport, teaching of local government in schools, the planning act review, saving energy, managing local government resources, and legislative attempts to deal with urban growth.
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies, and details on the BMR council and executive committee. Research and study topics include the importance of recreation as a municipal service and current housing stock in the province of Ontario as an important economic predictor.
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1962. Includes a summary of the current work and future programme of the Bureau. Bureau expenditures and members at the end.
Year: 1974
Summary: Programme from the Bureau of Municipal Research's 1974 meeting and seminar. Seminar topics include urbanization, land, planning, property development, issues facing Pickering, and city government in general.
Year: 1955
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1955. The chief concern of the Bureau is the continuing development of metropolitan federation. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.