Year: 1953
Summary: Examines the newly approved personnel system in Toronto, including: the authority over personnel working for the city, the efficiency of their work and the need for merit-based reward systems.
Year: 1963
Summary: The present system for public housing is overly complex and expensive, as well as inefficient. Outlines the effect that new legislation could have on Ontario social housing.
Year: 1971
Summary: Documents the history of the Ontario Municipal Board, and the current structure, procedure and extent of its jurisdiction.
Year: 1961
Summary: Describes Parks and Recreation Administration in Canada, focusing on organization and practices.
Summary: Discuss user behavior, the planning process, and financial and land resources in relation to urban parks.
Summary: Investigation into urban open space in the City of Toronto.
Year: 1957
Summary: Analysis of low voter turnout.
Year: 1949
Summary: Examines the budgetary challenges of planning of recreation facilities and their relationship with other aspects of the city budget and the wages of civil servants.
Year: 1952
Summary: Argues that investment for the development of Regent Park is an election issue.
Year: 1948
Summary: Examines parking and traffic challenges grow as the city grows.
Year: 1954
Summary: Examines the challenges municipalities face in fulfilling their responsibility to build old age homes.
Year: 1955
Summary: In light of the many challenges of overlapping jurisdiction, budgeting and efficiency of the multiple fire and police services, the Bureau recommends creating a unified body for provision in the Toronto area.
Year: 1959
Summary: Discusses how much public housing there should be, who should it be made available to and how much funding should be allocated for this purpose.
Year: 1964
Summary: Argues that zoning policy must be revised to achieve maximum growth in downtown Toronto.
Summary: Describes anticipated restructuring of municipal borders and amalgamation in the Toronto area.
Year: 1970
Summary: Reviews causes of neighbourhood-city conflict, and examines how ratepayers and resident associations in the city interact with elected representatives. Argues for increased participation of neighbourhood groups in local policy making.
Summary: Describes the history of emergency housing in Toronto, and need for better provisions.
Summary: Discusses the municipal responsibility to develop public transit and the fiscal challenges it poses.
Year: 1975
Summary: Assesses the quality of Metro Toronto's fire departments to determine whether amalgamation would be the most effective way to provide the best level of service.
Year: 1960
Summary: Suggests a dysfunctional TTC has harmed Toronto; the Bureau recommends more direct control in future.
Year: 1958
Summary: Analysis of city debt, its distribution and planning for overcoming it.
Summary: Describes changes to school funding with the new Metro arrangements.
Summary: Examines exemption from property taxation. Considers property owned municipally, provincially, and federally, as well as partial graded, and religious and charitable exemptions.
Year: 1962
Summary: Discusses whether Metro should make capital grants for hospital construction, or the province accept greater responsibility for coordinating and financing hospital construction.
Year: 1950
Summary: Identifies issues relelevant to the upcoming elections: voter turnout, amalgamation, measures of democracy such as secret voting and a government close to the people, and changes in term length.
Year: 1968
Summary: Summarizes observations and recommendations dealing with the 29 regional governments proposed by the Ontario Committee on Taxation.
Year: 1951
Summary: Discusses planning for TTC funding.
Year: 1974
Summary: Study of citizen participation, with a focus on on citizen groups whose chief concern is local government decisions about the physical environment.
Year: 1969
Summary: The Province has proposed reorganization of the area around Metro Toronto into three regional governments; this bulletin provides recommendations as an alternative to this proposal.
Summary: Advocating a two-year term for elected representatives.