Year: 1951
Summary: Analysis of Board of Education structure, authority and expenditure in light of public controversy about their current level of expenditure.
Summary: Discusses planning for TTC funding.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout in the last elections.
Summary: The Bureau opposes the provision of meals to children of families on welfare at such a low cost, and also criticizes the lack of planning in provision of Child Care.
Summary: Argues there is need to reduce public expenditure.
Year: 1950
Summary: Identifies issues relelevant to the upcoming elections: voter turnout, amalgamation, measures of democracy such as secret voting and a government close to the people, and changes in term length.
Summary: Discusses emergency housing set up in the aftermath of WWII and its costs.
Summary: Describes the desperate need for renovations in city hall.
Summary: Identifies amalgamation costs in light of the plans to improve efficiency and restructure council areas.
Summary: A public address by Dr. W. A. Mackintosh about what the government should and shouldn't be doing in terms of responsibilities for services and infringement on the personal and economic freedoms of the residents.
Summary: Analsis of voting trends in the last election.
Summary: Analysis of the use of the referendum in Canada.
Summary: Identifies structural implications of municipal reform and re-defining of municipalities in Ontario.
Year: 1949
Summary: Advocates for "full and frank treatment" of important civic business in order to keep the public engaged.
Summary: Describes trends in voter turnout and issues that could increase engagement.
Summary: Highlights and recommendations for the city's new 30-year plan.
Summary: Examines the budgetary challenges of planning of recreation facilities and their relationship with other aspects of the city budget and the wages of civil servants.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout, and how many voters voted for each office, in the last elections.
Summary: Better accountability in budget making requires more transparency in information and more clarity regarding tax assessments.
Summary: Discusses the length and inefficiency of City Council meetings.
Year: 1948
Summary: citizens should be engaged not only in voting but also in the selection of candidates.
Summary: Suggests that citizens should be engaged not only in voting but also in the selection of candidates.
Summary: Examines parking and traffic challenges grow as the city grows.
Summary: Discusses presenting budget estimates prior to the elections, as an act of good governance and accountability.