Year: 1958
Summary: Analysis of city debt, its distribution and planning for overcoming it.
Year: 1977
Summary: Report based on the Food For the Cities Conference, examining the issue of farmland protection in Ontario. Assesses the need for new provincial land use policies.
Year: 1960
Summary: Suggests a dysfunctional TTC has harmed Toronto; the Bureau recommends more direct control in future.
Year: 1959
Summary: Describes changes to school funding with the new Metro arrangements.
Year: 1963
Summary: Examines exemption from property taxation. Considers property owned municipally, provincially, and federally, as well as partial graded, and religious and charitable exemptions.
Year: 1962
Summary: Discusses whether Metro should make capital grants for hospital construction, or the province accept greater responsibility for coordinating and financing hospital construction.
Year: 1950
Summary: Identifies issues relelevant to the upcoming elections: voter turnout, amalgamation, measures of democracy such as secret voting and a government close to the people, and changes in term length.
Year: 1968
Summary: Summarizes observations and recommendations dealing with the 29 regional governments proposed by the Ontario Committee on Taxation.
Year: 1951
Summary: Discusses planning for TTC funding.
Year: 1982
Summary: Illustrates how municipalities are being forced to adjust their approach to to economic development.
Year: 1955
Summary: Advocating a two-year term for elected representatives.
Year: 1969
Summary: The Province has proposed reorganization of the area around Metro Toronto into three regional governments; this bulletin provides recommendations as an alternative to this proposal.
Year: 1974
Summary: Study of citizen participation, with a focus on on citizen groups whose chief concern is local government decisions about the physical environment.
Year: 1957
Summary: Describes important considerations in the planning of the design for the new City Square.
Summary: The introduction of sewer charges in Metro Toronto could have two major advantages: equitable distribution of service costs and diversification of municipal revenue.
Year: 1954
Summary: Discusses the structure of care in housing for the elderly and challenges this housing faces.
Year: 1976
Summary: Examines the news media in Metro Toronto, and the extent to which it serves the public and influences decision-makers on municipal matters.
Summary: Engages the public in ensuring the development of the green belt.
Summary: Examines actions taken by various municipalities across Canada to manage urban growth.
Summary: Presents important issues faced by municipal representatives in the 1982 election.
Year: 1952
Summary: Examines capital borrowing, the controls on it and the uses for such funding.
Summary: Discusses planning for construction of a lakeshore expressway and issues relating to the operation of the Toronto Harbourfront.
Summary: Urging the advancement of legislation for universal suffrage in municipal elections (limited until that time by ownership of property).
Summary: Examines special-body government units in Metro Toronto. Recommends reducing the number of special bodies from 94 to 55, which would minimize the negative effects of fragmentation.
Summary: Summarizes the proceedings of a seminar sponsored by the BMR. Examines new town development and its effects on growth patterns, population, and urbanization.
Summary: Metro Council's proposal to transfer local welfare services from area municipalities to Metro is seen by many as a step towards total amalgamation. It is not justified to relieve the burden of taxes on municipalities at the expense of those in need of welfare funds.
Summary: Analysis of political dispute regarding the construction of the east-west subway.
Summary: Discusses the urgent need for reform in parking regulations in the city.
Summary: Advocates a positive approach to urban renewal, with emphasis on conservation of property, public action, and rehabilitation.
Summary: Discusses emergency housing set up in the aftermath of WWII and its costs.