Year: 1983
Summary: Discusses the province's adoption of Section 63 of the Assessment Act. Section 63 aims to base assessment on market value but not allow shifts in the tax burden between residential, commercial and industrial properties.
Year: 1949
Summary: Better accountability in budget making requires more transparency in information and more clarity regarding tax assessments.
Year: 1982
Summary: Discusses transportation-oriented activities in Toronto, which may weaken the concept of decentralization.
Year: 1950
Summary: Identifies structural implications of municipal reform and re-defining of municipalities in Ontario.
Year: 1966
Summary: Provides recommendations to alleviate the problems faced by expropriated owner-occupants.
Year: 1951
Summary: Analysis of Board of Education structure, authority and expenditure in light of public controversy about their current level of expenditure.
Year: 1952
Summary: Discusses the advantages of a two-year term in efficiency and performance of city council members.
Year: 1959
Summary: Looks at the meaning of "the spoils system", and the application of the ideas of "merit", "the central personnel agency" and "the classification system" in the public personnel field.
Summary: Advocates for "full and frank treatment" of important civic business in order to keep the public engaged.
Year: 1958
Summary: Describes the responsibilities and requirements of elected city officials.
Summary: Describes trends in voter turnout and issues that could increase engagement.
Year: 1954
Summary: Encouraging citizens to vote.
Summary: Presents data on capital expenditure in Toronto. Provides recommendations to improve capital works programming and debt management functions.
Year: 1961
Summary: Examines proposals which aim to correct weaknesses of Metro Toronto Area government.
Summary: Analsis of voting trends in the last election.
Year: 1960
Summary: Authority and form of management of the different boards and commissions in the city
Summary: Describes the desperate need for renovations in city hall.
Summary: Summarizes relevant factors which influence the number of councillors required to do the work of the Metropolitan Municipality.
Year: 1962
Summary: Commercial taxpayers in Ontario pay a greater proportionate share of municipal taxes than other types of ratepayers. Statistical evidence shows that the difference in rates levied to residential and commercial taxpayers has increased.
Year: 1965
Summary: Examines recommendations proposed by The Royal Commission on Metropolitan Toronto (which evaluated the effectiveness of the existing form of metropolitan government).
Summary: Describes possibilities to improve efficiency of civic authorities by amalgamation of departments, boards etc.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout in the last elections.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout in Toronto and suburbs.
Summary: Identifies amalgamation costs in light of the plans to improve efficiency and restructure council areas.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout throughout the Toronto area.
Year: 1964
Summary: Reproduces extracts of arguments in a Bureau brief in support of the broadening Metro's revenue base. Emphasizes property taxation.
Year: 1948
Summary: citizens should be engaged not only in voting but also in the selection of candidates.
Summary: Suggests better candidate selection can lead to greater engagement of the public and better performance of the council
Summary: Recommendations for the prefered form of government to be established in North York.
Summary: Report on a talk about the city-manager model, efficient administration and about a book about local government in Canada.