Year: 1976
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto, suburban representatives, children's aid, and relevant provincial organizations
Year: 1978
Summary: Letter sent to Bureau members listing recent research topics. Sample topics include rent control, downtown revitalization, transportation coordination, the teaching of local government in schools, and financial problems of local governments
Year: 1980
Year: 1981
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies and details on the upcoming BMR luncheon. Sample topics include school closures, transit, and contracting out municipal services. Comparative data on municipal wage increases for metro Toronto workers and workers in other Ontario cities is provided.
Year: 1949
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services
Year: 1983
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies. Topics include: industrial development, changes in property taxes in Canada, urban growth, rising school costs, and prostitution. Includes Bureau board changes, details of the BMR luncheon, at which Bob Rae spoke on economic development.
Year: 1916
Summary: A treatise on land assessment reform for the City of Toronto, recommending the power to make assessments on land value be granted to the municipal level of government. Additionally recommends an assessment system that is more cooperative, community based and empirical. Also urges better publicized land assessments to promote equity and fairness in land pricing and sales.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include transit problems, cost saving in local governments, who should pay for municipal services, and productivity vs. quality of life
Year: 1969
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto, suburban representatives, and children's aid.
Year: 1982
Summary: Publications catalogue, 1982. Sample publications topics: economy, education, environment, finances, government, housing, productivity, planning, public safety, regional government, transportation
Year: 1920
Summary: City revenue and debt estimates from publically owned utilities for 1920. Additionally, the Bureau makes a recommendation that Toronto's water usage be metered to prevent waste. More efficient methods for calculating the cost of water provided to the fire department are proposed.
Year: 1960
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto representatives.
Year: 1950
Year: 1971
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto, suburban representatives, and children's aid. Note that metro assessment department moved under provincial administration. Now includes staff listings for the Ontario Municipal Board.
Summary: History and survey of the York Street School, including a detailed account of school supplies, the school building, principal, teachers and students (kindergarten through grade 3)
Year: 1959
Year: 1915
Summary: A summary of city of Toronto budget expenditures for 1914 with draft estimates for the 1915 budget - includes information on expenditures, city revenue and debt, and includes a breakdown of average taxes paid by Toronto citizens. The publication aims to encourage taxpayer and citizen engagement with budgetary concerns.
Year: 1977
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include the island airport, teaching of local government in schools, the planning act review, saving energy, managing local government resources, and legislative attempts to deal with urban growth.
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies, and details on the BMR council and executive committee. Research and study topics include the importance of recreation as a municipal service and current housing stock in the province of Ontario as an important economic predictor.
Summary: Addendum to the directory of governments - listing telephone number of municipal reference library
Year: 1974
Summary: Programme from the Bureau of Municipal Research's 1974 meeting and seminar. Seminar topics include urbanization, land, planning, property development, issues facing Pickering, and city government in general.
Year: 1965
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto and suburban representatives.
Year: 1964
Summary: A survey of license, permit, and user fees in Ontario - how and why these fees are charged, how these fees differ from taxes, how fees should be spent, the importance of fees as a municipal revenue source and some of the problems associated with the use of fees.
Year: 1962
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies, and details on new BMR council members. Study and research topics include employer-subsidized daycare, and an examination of the fragmentation of municipal, regional and provincial governments. A need for more consolidation, efficiency and accountability is stressed.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include policing, housing, the media, and municipal pet licensing.
Summary: A newsletter outlining the Bureau of Municipal Research\'s work and its influence on public policy. The newsletter cites occasions on which Bureau of Municipal Research recommendations had been adopted or Bureau studies had been mentioned by public policy-makers - eg. John Robarts endorsed Bureau recommendations that local government have more control over fire services. The BMR\'s recommendation that local government be taught in schools was adopted by the municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. Ontario legislature members cited Bureau work.
Year: 1936
Summary: Outlines the Bureau's mission statement and achievements from 1914-1936. Brief summary of the Bureau's influence on policy as well as praise from Bureau publication subscribers.