Year: 1983
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies. Topics include: industrial development, changes in property taxes in Canada, urban growth, rising school costs, and prostitution. Includes Bureau board changes, details of the BMR luncheon, at which Bob Rae spoke on economic development.
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1982. Documents highlights of the past year and significant research projects. Bureau expenditures, publications, and contributors at the end.
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto, suburban representatives, children's aid organizations, the zoo, conservation authority, industrial development board, and relevant provincial organizations
Year: 1982
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies. Topics include: questions for electors, decentralization and transit proposals, industrial developments, trends in schools, property and business tax assessment, and declining local, provincial and federal revenue for municipal services.
Summary: Presents important issues faced by municipal representatives in the 1982 election.
Summary: Publications catalogue, 1982. Sample publications topics: economy, education, environment, finances, government, housing, productivity, planning, public safety, regional government, transportation
Year: 1981
Summary: Reviews advantages and disadvantages of workplace day care as an option to meet increasing demand.
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies and details on the upcoming BMR luncheon. Sample topics include school closures, transit, and contracting out municipal services. Comparative data on municipal wage increases for metro Toronto workers and workers in other Ontario cities is provided.
Year: 1980
Summary: Addresses the issue of school closures, reviewing the decision-making process and providing a case study of The School Board of Etobicoke.
Summary: Presents important issues faced by municipal representatives in the 1980 election.
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto, suburban representatives, children's aid, and relevant provincial organizations
Year: 1979
Summary: Summarizes topics covered at the 64th Annual Conference of the Governmental Research Association (an umbrella organization of research agencies). The conference focused on sharing information between Canada and the United States.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include utilization of user fees, cost saving innovations in local government, teaching local government, transportation planning, and downtown core revitalization
Year: 1978
Summary: Outlines the major issues faced by municipal representatives in Metropolitan Toronto, London, Hamilton, Ottawa, Windsor, and Sudbury in the 1978 Municipal Elections.
Summary: Letter sent to Bureau members listing recent research topics. Sample topics include rent control, downtown revitalization, transportation coordination, the teaching of local government in schools, and financial problems of local governments
Summary: Evaluates instruction on local government in Ontario secondary schools. Includes summaries of workshops held around the province to gain a better understanding of how to improve instruction.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include the teaching of local government in schools, community impacts of school closings, rent review, metropolitan government, the island airport, libraries, and changing the planning act.
Summary: Letter to all Bureau of Municipal Research members outlining speakers and topics at the upcoming conference of the Governmental Research Association. Topics include metropolitan government reform, local government financing, controlling urban growth, and maximizing accountability in education.
Summary: Registration form for Urban Seminar 6. Topics of discussion to include social effects of unemployment, the role of government in full employment, and the changing economic climate.
Year: 1977
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include the island airport, teaching of local government in schools, the planning act review, saving energy, managing local government resources, and legislative attempts to deal with urban growth.
Summary: School vandalism should be dealt with through standardized definitions and damage reports, increased awareness of social and financial costs, and allayed fears of police involvement.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include the island airport and harbourfront development, vandalism in schools, disappearing farmland, provincially funded regional development planning, and cooperation between London, Ontario transit agencies.
Summary: A newsletter outlining the Bureau of Municipal Research\'s work and its influence on public policy. The newsletter cites occasions on which Bureau of Municipal Research recommendations had been adopted or Bureau studies had been mentioned by public policy-makers - eg. John Robarts endorsed Bureau recommendations that local government have more control over fire services. The BMR\'s recommendation that local government be taught in schools was adopted by the municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. Ontario legislature members cited Bureau work.
Year: 1976
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1976.
Summary: Examines the news media in Metro Toronto, and the extent to which it serves the public and influences decision-makers on municipal matters.
Summary: A study of the media coverage of Toronto high school teachers' 2-month long strike and it's role in shaping and reflecting public opinion and influencing the outcome of the strike.
Summary: Analysis of survey by the Bureau in 4 Ontario municipalities, in order to assess the reasons for low voter turnout in municipal elections, and ways to increase voter turnout in the future.