Year: 1959
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto representatives.
Year: 1944
Summary: Highlights the importance of voting in the upcoming municipal elections.
Year: 1976
Summary: Analysis of survey by the Bureau in 4 Ontario municipalities, in order to assess the reasons for low voter turnout in municipal elections, and ways to increase voter turnout in the future.
Year: 1978
Summary: Outlines the major issues faced by municipal representatives in Metropolitan Toronto, London, Hamilton, Ottawa, Windsor, and Sudbury in the 1978 Municipal Elections.
Year: 1915
Summary: A summary of the work done and of progress made on the Bureau of Municipal Research's program for the year ending 1915. Sample work and goals included: establishing a scientific form of budget with city officials, installation of modern accounting practices, assisting in the reorganization of the fire department, and producing studies of citizen interest. Yearly expenditures and bureau subscribers are included at the end.
Year: 1914
Summary: Civic housecleaning is a necessary method of fire and disease prevention. Children in public schools are encouraged to clean in and around their homes, to practice civic engagement.
Year: 1972
Summary: Draws attention to major election issues in 1972.
Summary: A summary of city of Toronto budget expenditures for 1914 with draft estimates for the 1915 budget - includes information on expenditures, city revenue and debt, and includes a breakdown of average taxes paid by Toronto citizens. The publication aims to encourage taxpayer and citizen engagement with budgetary concerns.
Year: 1974
Summary: The bureau is sceptical about the possibility of making planning progress with the new Metroplan project. This project requires civic engagement in many different areas in the city without enough centralized and professional planning capacity - while endorsing unclear consultation models.
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1974.
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1976.
Year: 1918
Summary: Identifies key issues in the 1919 municipal election, as a call to action for voters.
Year: 1965
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto and suburban representatives.
Year: 1962
Year: 1929
Summary: A report on the Planning Commission's report for to the Municipal Government of Ontario. The report stressed that downtown planning should take precedence, and that street improvements (extensions and widening) be undertaken as a 15 year programme. Includes a survey on the last page regarding city planning has been partially filled out.
Year: 1949
Summary: Advocates for "full and frank treatment" of important civic business in order to keep the public engaged.
Year: 1936
Summary: Outlines the Bureau's mission statement and achievements from 1914-1936. Brief summary of the Bureau's influence on policy as well as praise from Bureau publication subscribers.
Year: 1940
Summary: Outlines the Bureau's mission statement, highlights press clippings, lists sample publications and outlines how to support the Bureau by becoming a subscriber.
Summary: Describes trends in voter turnout and issues that could increase engagement.
Year: 1968
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto and suburban representatives. Now also including contact information for Children's Aid and Student Housing.
Year: 1954
Summary: Encouraging citizens to vote.
Summary: Highlights a need to vote in the upcoming elections in order to have a proper say in how the city's $35 million budget is managed.
Year: 1953
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services.
Year: 1957
Year: 1969
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services. Also lists contact information for metro Toronto, suburban representatives, and children's aid.
Summary: Five provisions in Bill No. 45 "An Act Respecting the City of Toronto" specify emergency use of funds without informing electors or ratepayers. Taxpayers should inquire into the reason for all proposed expenditure.
Year: 1980
Summary: Announcement of Mary Lynch's appointment to the position of Executive Director of the Bureau of Municipal Research. The election of 1980 and issues of voter turnout and the role of party politics in municipal elections is discussed. Additional information on Bureau fundraising initiatives is provided.
Year: 1916
Summary: This publication highlights the need for an independent citizen research bureau (such as the Bureau of Municipal Research) to inform fellow citizens and to keep municipal government accountable when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars. Additionally, the Bureau outlines some of their near and long-term goals in improving and modernizing city administration and planning.
Year: 1963
Year: 1958