Year: 1962
Summary: Advocates a positive approach to urban renewal, with emphasis on conservation of property, public action, and rehabilitation.
Year: 1950
Summary: Discusses emergency housing set up in the aftermath of WWII and its costs.
Year: 1951
Summary: The Bureau opposes the provision of meals to children of families on welfare at such a low cost, and also criticizes the lack of planning in provision of Child Care.
Year: 1930
Summary: A reference guide to Toronto. Details local government, municipal services and community activities. Meant to inform local residents, as well as attract visitors and industry to the city of Toronto.
Year: 1968
Summary: This news brief represents an attempt to develop Ontario-wide indicators for levels of urbanization.
Year: 1931
Year: 1971
Summary: Examines The Landlord and Tenant Amendment Act, 1968-69; the bulletin suggests additional changes that would protect the interests of tenants.
Year: 1929
Year: 1978
Summary: Analyzes the Downtown Revitalization Program, which allocates provincial funds to municipalities engaged in commercial development of the downtown area.
Year: 1973
Summary: Documents shortcomings of the urban land development process and suggests that public land banking (i.e. large-scale assembly of land in advance of price inflation by urbanization) could be used in Ontario to alleviate some of these problems.
Summary: Highlights the results of the operation of regular civic and educational services, the operation of muncipally owned public services not controlled by boards and commissions, and the operation of public services controlled by boards and commissions.
Summary: Letter sent to Bureau members listing recent research topics. Sample topics include rent control, downtown revitalization, transportation coordination, the teaching of local government in schools, and financial problems of local governments
Year: 1980
Summary: Presents important issues faced by municipal representatives in the 1980 election.
Year: 1949
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1949. Topics of importance include The Baldwin Act (municipal autonomy) and provincial-municipal relations. Bureau expenditures and subscribers listed at the end.
Summary: Suggests the implications of transferring the authority of the Toronto Housing Authority to the province: the city would experience financial gains, while the province would gain control and authority. Discusses Regent Park.
Year: 1982
Summary: Publications catalogue, 1982. Sample publications topics: economy, education, environment, finances, government, housing, productivity, planning, public safety, regional government, transportation
Year: 1919
Summary: Highlights the great need for more housing, and argues the the newly appointed Toronto Housing Commission should be allowed to act fast. Details steps taken to increase the supply of housing - other than by private means.
Year: 1921
Summary: Schools can function as a tool for community development, particularly for new Canadian immigrants. Use of schools in this way would increase output of services, to get the most out of overhead costs of educational infrastructure.
Summary: Analysis of the use of the referendum in Canada.
Summary: Investigates the effects of property tax on land use planning. Suggests possible alternative tax structures for Ontario.
Year: 1972
Summary: Examines the trend towards building privately developed new communities in Toronto.
Year: 1981
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies, and details on the BMR council and executive committee. Research and study topics include the importance of recreation as a municipal service and current housing stock in the province of Ontario as an important economic predictor.
Year: 1974
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1974.
Year: 1955
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1955. The chief concern of the Bureau is the continuing development of metropolitan federation. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1976
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1976.
Year: 1936
Summary: Outlines where city taxes and revenues go, providing a pie-chart of expenditures. Argues that the city's current debt charges weigh down the budget, and may interfere with future projects such as improving the sewage system, undertaking slum clearance, and various other city improvements.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include policing, housing, the media, and municipal pet licensing.
Year: 1940
Summary: Highlights the issue of housing challenges due to unemployment, noting the number of people on voucher, in houses of industry, and single men in hostels. Demonstrates that the number of people on relief is the lowest it has been since 1933 and that unemployment has decreased in the August-November period.
Year: 1946
Summary: Argues that coordination is needed between the different councils, either by amalgamation or by creating a County Council.
Summary: Highlights a need to vote in the upcoming elections in order to have a proper say in how the city's $35 million budget is managed.