Year: 1936
Summary: Outlines the issues of budget management in light of city debt.
Summary: Outlines the fact that Toronto is once again operating on an unbalanced budget. Details the costs of unemployment relief and raises the question of taxation of municipally-owned utilities
Year: 1935
Summary: Outlines the structure of the city corporation. Highlights the need for more accountability and better efficiency and the important of more public engagement in the city's affairs.
Summary: Argues that the new budget gives more detailed information than in the past about salaries and wages but could still give the people even more detailed an account of how the budget is managed.
Summary: Provides budget and expenditure figures for the fiscal year 1935, and includes money spent on direct unemployment relief and debt charges. Advocates against tax increases, and calls for debts incurred by the city abbatoir to be examined.
Summary: Provides budget and expenditure figures for the fiscal year 1935. Argues that the biggest challenge pointed out in the budget is current unemployment expenditure and debt on past unemployment expenditure.
Summary: This Open Letter suggests that there are only two ways to balance the budget: increasing revenue or cutting spending.
Summary: Highlights the need for balancing the budget and for reducing tax burden in light of Depression.
Year: 1934
Summary: Argues that the reduction in the number of citizens able to pay taxes (due to the Depression) requires close scrutiny of the city services. Reforms to improve efficiency are suggested.
Summary: The budgetary troubles in light of the Depression and the need for transparency regarding the working conditions of the civic service.
Summary: Poses queries as to the effects of the Depression on the city accounts and the use of deficits to cover for lost tax revenue.
Summary: Need for accountability and more transparency in reporting on deficits.
Summary: Highlghts the issue of growing deficits in the Great Depression, and argues this issue is not being fully presented to the public.
Summary: Analysis of problems in 1934 budget such as lack of balance and misrepresented opinion of expert consultant.
Year: 1933
Summary: Outlines the effects of the Great Depression on the citizen's ability to pay taxes and what should be done with the tax code in order to address this problem.
Summary: Objection to the planned construction of Mt. Pleasant Bridge due to the municipality's deficit, claiming that such decisions should be part of a comprehensive plan and not made individually.
Summary: An open letter to the mayor, the board of control, and city aldermen, highlighting the fact that expenditures appear to be falling behind revenues at a growing pace.
Summary: Tabulated comparison of estimated civic expenditures from 1928-1933, analyzed according to objects of expenditure, and comments.
Summary: Povides a tabulated comparison of annual estimated expenditure from 1927-1933.
Summary: Provides estimates of annual revenues and expenditures and their equivalent in mills.
Summary: Analysis of taxation figures from 1927-1932.
Year: 1932
Summary: In light of the recent financial emergency (eg. the Depression), the Bureau outlines some of the steps taken to reduce municipal operating costs in 1932 and proposes steps to meet further reduction targets in 1933.
Summary: Tabulated comparison of expenditure for the years 1927-1932, with discussion.
Summary: Outlines the annual estimated net revenue and expenditure in the city of Toronto for the fiscal year of 1932, as outlined in the city budget.
Year: 1931
Summary: Analysis of municipal expenditure on salaries and wages for the years 1927-1931.
Summary: Comparison of expenditure on community services for the years 1927-1931. Tabulated comparison of taxation revenue and other general revenue sources.
Summary: Outlines the annual estimated net revenue and expenditure in the city of Toronto as detailed in the 1931 budget.
Year: 1930
Summary: Tabulated comparison of estimated civic expenditures from 1928-1930, analyzed according to objects of expenditure, and comments.
Summary: A tabulated comparison of estimated civic expenditures from 1928-1930, with comments.
Summary: Outlines estimates of annual budget revenues and expenditures and their equivalent in mills.