Summary: Outlines factors afffecting Toronto's prosperity and competitiveness as a commercial, industrial and residential city. These factors include the tax rate, the fire-burden rate, the cost of sickness rate, the labour turnover rate, and the charity rate. Suggests improvements in all of these areas, and highlights the need for voters and taxpayers to be engaged and to keep City Hall accountable.
Publication Date: December 12, 1918
Publication Format: White Papers
Publication Series: White Papers (1915-1945)
Document Number: 23
Subject: Taxes
Tags: Accountability, Budget, City Council, Deficit, Elections, Engagement, Expenditure, Fire, Municipal Services, Philanthropy, Revenue, Taxes, Voter Turnout
Archival Information
Location: City of Toronto Archives
Fonds: 1003
Series: 973
Subseries: 2
Box: 149216
File: 1