Year: 1972
Summary: Reviews book The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics (1972), by Michael Novak, and explores implications for Toronto.
Year: 1975
Summary: Comprehensive survey of leisure activities and priorities among apartment dwellers in London, Ontario.
Year: 1970
Summary: Discusses principles for playground planning and the need for Toronto to invest in playgrounds in areas like Regent Park.
Year: 1962
Summary: News Brief about mill rates; social services provision - effects of demography and needed reform in order to improve efficiency.
Summary: Discussion of civics studies in the school system and their insufficient treatment of the issue of local government.
Year: 1976
Summary: A study of the media coverage of Toronto high school teachers' 2-month long strike and it's role in shaping and reflecting public opinion and influencing the outcome of the strike.
Summary: The Bureau suggests possible changes to improve inadequate supervision of quality control in residential construction.
Year: 1969
Summary: In light of conflict between the public and the parks department over the withholding of information about the poisoning of ducks that could also affect residents, the bureau surveys the legal requirement of revealing such information.
Year: 1971
Summary: Discusses the legal structure of land easement and the possibilities of using this method for creating recreation spaces.
Summary: A scan of waste management practice and authorities in Ontario and how they play out in various cities, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive strategy of waste management, recycling and renewable energy.
Summary: Discussion of division of responsibilities regarding education and citizen's involvement in decision-making.
Summary: Argues that urban redevelopment can compound old problems. As an example, newly approved development harms accessibility to parks in the St. James Town area.
Summary: Analysis of the planned mixed-use Metro Centre, the lack of enough information made public and the impact it would have on downtown Toronto.
Summary: Provides a definition of day care, the need to provide it, responsibility for funding it and the societal perception of it.
Year: 1973
Summary: Scan of existing public libraries' systems in Toronto area and suggestions for moving forward without harming the research-encouraging tier of the public library.
Summary: Endorses city acquistion of the CNR belt-line for transformation into a public park.
Summary: Suggests that the plan for large-scale East-West beltline routes is falling apart.
Year: 1961
Summary: Appointment of new Bureau Director; Ontario Municipal Association petition to the province to change legislation so that businesses pay for their share in common spaces - halls, parking etc.
Year: 1937
Summary: Queries as to the wisdom of converting the Exhibition grounds into a horse-race track. Suggests that affecting economies in city services could be of greater benefit to city revenue.
Year: 1974
Summary: Discusses urban growth as a problem for prosperity, how it has been tackled in Canada, the US and Europe, and what Toronto should do next.
Year: 1964
Summary: Draws attention to important issues in the 1964 election.
Summary: News Brief about the request that Metropolitan Council change legislation so that its chairman will have a 2 year term.
Year: 1960
Summary: Objection to the North York decision to appoint a board of control in light of too heavy a workload - the Bureau claims that an executive Committee would be enough and that a Board of Control takes away too much power from elected officials.
Summary: The city expenditure should be reduced by increased efficiency in municipal departments.
Summary: Describes the importance of learning from past rehabilitation projects of low-income housing.
Year: 1936
Summary: Discusses the importance of leaving elementary and secondary education under the same roof.
Year: 1977
Summary: Discusses the implications of the reduction of land used for farming and the possible policies that can be used in order to retain agricultural land and food independence.
Year: 1967
Summary: Discusses how Toronto relies much more heavily on property and business tax in comparison to other Canadian cities.
Year: 1947
Summary: Pointing to the legitimacy and authority problems that arise from the council members' hope to establish a municipal corporation.
Summary: The Bureau's recommendation to change TTC structure and advance proper legislation not promoted by the province; reorganization and self-examination in the County of Peel.