Year: 1953
Summary: Describes anticipated restructuring of municipal borders and amalgamation in the Toronto area.
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services.
Year: 1952
Summary: Discusses the advantages of a two-year term in efficiency and performance of city council members.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout.
Summary: A report summarizing the interactions between the provincial government of Ontario and the municipal government of Toronto, particularly in the areas of taxation and finance of public infrastructure and municipal services. The expansion of municipal franchise to those who do not own property is debated.
Summary: Describes possibilities to improve efficiency of civic authorities by amalgamation of departments, boards etc.
Summary: A reference guide listing the contact information for the mayor, city council, and various municipal boards and services
Summary: Report on a talk about the city-manager model, efficient administration and about a book about local government in Canada.
Year: 1951
Summary: Comparative analysis of amalgamation of all authority and expenditure under one roof in other places and the possibilities of a similar attempt in Toronto.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout in the last elections.
Year: 1950
Summary: Identifies issues relelevant to the upcoming elections: voter turnout, amalgamation, measures of democracy such as secret voting and a government close to the people, and changes in term length.
Summary: Describes the desperate need for renovations in city hall.
Summary: Identifies amalgamation costs in light of the plans to improve efficiency and restructure council areas.
Summary: Analsis of voting trends in the last election.
Year: 1949
Summary: Describes trends in voter turnout and issues that could increase engagement.
Summary: Analysis of voter turnout, and how many voters voted for each office, in the last elections.
Summary: Discusses the length and inefficiency of City Council meetings.
Year: 1948
Summary: citizens should be engaged not only in voting but also in the selection of candidates.
Summary: Suggests that citizens should be engaged not only in voting but also in the selection of candidates.
Summary: Demonstrates progress in voter turnout in 1948 elections and suggests strategies to further engage citizens going forward.
Summary: List of Toronto City officials and contact information
Year: 1947
Summary: Encouraging citizens to vote, and warning against citizen apathy.
Summary: Highlights a new by-law requiring the appointment of personnel director and an advisory panel committee, effectively reorganizing the city administration and making one person responsible for appointments, promotions and classifications of employees.
Summary: Argues that the planned appointment of the mayor as coordinator of civic services, an executive managerial role, is politically and practically problematic
Summary: Analysis of voting patterns and discussion of the need to keep families within municipal boundaries and prevent sprawl.
Summary: A listing of Toronto City officials and personnel, including contact information
Year: 1946
Summary: Issues for upcoming elections, including: length of term, building Regent Park, building a Civic Square, and dining and liquor licencing.