Year: 1980
Summary: Presents important issues faced by municipal representatives in the 1980 election.
Year: 1928
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1928. Work included analysis of the city budget, and studies of civic finances, policing, motor accidents, town planning, taxation, and the board of education. Bureau publications are listed. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at the end.
Year: 1977
Summary: Analysis of the Metroplan's goal to reduce dependency on downtown Toronto and instead establish another major centre in Scarborough and North Yonge.
Summary: Listing of recently published studies, research in progress, and upcoming Bureau of Municipal Research events. Sample research topics include transit problems, cost saving in local governments, who should pay for municipal services, and productivity vs. quality of life
Year: 1983
Summary: A summary of the work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1982. Documents highlights of the past year and significant research projects. Bureau expenditures, publications, and contributors at the end.
Year: 1950
Summary: Analysis of the use of the referendum in Canada.
Summary: A public address by Dr. W. A. Mackintosh about what the government should and shouldn't be doing in terms of responsibilities for services and infringement on the personal and economic freedoms of the residents.
Year: 1923
Summary: "An imaginary letter from a hypothetical correspondent" discussing reasons why the new Union Station did not yet open - the destruction of the old customs house
Year: 1970
Summary: Focuses on how decisions regarding the Metro Toronto transportation system are made.
Year: 1929
Summary: Highlights major issues and questions regarding the vote on a by-law about the city improvement plan in the upcoming elections. Outlines the scope of the city improvement project as well as how this project is to be financed and undertaken. Work to be done includes the widening and straightening of University Avenue and Richmond Street, as well as the installation of a war memorial there, and the widening and opening of several other downtown streets, including York Street, Spadina Avenue, and Eastern Avenue.
Summary: A summary of work done by the Bureau of Municipal Research for the year ending 1923. Work included a survey on the Department of Public Health, keeping up to date on provincial legislation, and a special study on Union Station. Bureau contributions to city governance are detailed. Future goals are outlined. Bureau expenditures and subscribers at end.
Year: 1921
Summary: Provides a potential list of issues; citizens should ascertain the opinions of civic conditions prior to the upcoming election.
Year: 1972
Summary: Examines the trend towards building privately developed new communities in Toronto.
Year: 1978
Summary: Outlines the major issues faced by municipal representatives in Metropolitan Toronto, London, Hamilton, Ottawa, Windsor, and Sudbury in the 1978 Municipal Elections.
Summary: Draws attention to major election issues in 1972.
Year: 1979
Summary: Identifies various cost-saving innovations in municipalities in Canada, as well as other countries. Documents efforts at the local level to save money through the use of innovative management and/or technological changes.
Summary: Debates the idea of building an airport in Toronto. Some questions to consider: should the airport be publicly or privately owned? Where should the airport be located? What capital outlay would be required? And would the airport be profitable? Urges the City Council to appoint a committee to look into these and other questions in consideration of building an airport in Toronto.
Year: 1974
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1974.
Year: 1982
Summary: Publications catalogue, 1982. Sample publications topics: economy, education, environment, finances, government, housing, productivity, planning, public safety, regional government, transportation
Year: 1976
Summary: Scan of major elections issues in 1976.
Summary: A report on the Planning Commission's report for to the Municipal Government of Ontario. The report stressed that downtown planning should take precedence, and that street improvements (extensions and widening) be undertaken as a 15 year programme. Includes a survey on the last page regarding city planning has been partially filled out.
Summary: Discusses transportation-oriented activities in Toronto, which may weaken the concept of decentralization.
Summary: Cartoon highlighting the problematic situation of transit since the new Union Station still had not opened. The issue is portrayed as a kind of tug-of-war between the "bridge champion" and the "viaduct champion" with neither side able to win a decisive victory. The government and railway board looks on with amusement, while the citizens express frustration.
Year: 1924
Summary: "An imaginary letter from a hypothetical correspondent" describing the problematic situation at New Union Station and the inefficiency in the operation of three separate commissions involved: Harbour, Transportation and Hydroelectric.
Year: 1973
Summary: Argues that transportation planning must take into account social needs - such as accessibility to the elderly - and not only traffic volume.
Year: 1920
Summary: Tabulated information regarding motor-bus operation in American cities. Explores whether motor-buses would be justifiable for Toronto.
Year: 1964
Summary: Scan of major elections issues
Summary: A review of current Bureau of Municipal Research studies. Topics include: questions for electors, decentralization and transit proposals, industrial developments, trends in schools, property and business tax assessment, and declining local, provincial and federal revenue for municipal services.
Summary: "An imaginary letter from a hypothetical correspondent" describing the history of negotiations between the Railway Comission and City of Toronto, which has resulted in delayed opening of New Union Station.
Year: 1919
Summary: Comments from various North American cities on the service-at-cost plan for Street Railways. Asks questions about how the Railway should be administered in Toronto.