Summary: Provides a classification of expenditures in the 1938 Civic Budget. The Bureau notes that revenue now covers expenses but unemployment relief still poses a problem. The Bureau proposes that the city of Toronto pursue some of the advantages of the council-manager system, including the coordination of all services departments under a single department of Public Works with a single, unified administration, the adoption of staggered terms for council, and the election of city councillors by the city as a whole.
Publication Date: September 14, 1938
Publication Format: White Papers
Publication Series: White Papers (1915-1945)
Document Number: 233
Subject: Budget
Tags: Budget, Debt, Elections, Expenditure, Revenue, Surplus, Taxes, Unemployment, Voter Turnout
Archival Information
Location: City of Toronto Archives
Fonds: 1003
Series: 973
Subseries: 2
Box: 149216
File: 5